You are here: 51 College of Arts & Sciences Center for Israel Studies Israel at 100: Scenarios for the Future of Israel in 2048

Israel at 100: Scenarios for the Future of Israel in 2048November 10-11, 2024
51, Washington, DC

  • November 10,Abramson Family Founders Room, :
    Opening evening keynoteby David Passig
  • November 11,:
    All day sessions and lunchtime keynote by Eugene Kandel

Chairs & speakers Draft schedule

See Visiting Campus for parking, public transportation, and more.

Conference Overview

As Israel approaches its 100th anniversary in 2048, we invite you to explore the future as modern futurists, utilizing contemporary foresight approaches.

The State of Israel grew out of a utopian vision. Theodor Herzl published his concept of a future Jewish state in 1896, and six years later he wrote his utopian novel Old New Land that described how the Jewish state would look twenty years later. Twenty-four years from now, in 2048, the state which Herzl conceived will celebrate its 100th anniversary. On November 10-11, 2024 we will convene scholars, economists, politicians, and activists at the country’s most difficult hour, to explore potential future scenarios for the Jewish state.

As we delve into various scenarios concerning Israel's future, we will address such topics as its religiosity, sustainability within its desert geography, Palestinian and other Arab relations, ongoing conflicts, the remarkable "startup nation" economy, and the intricate connections between Israel and diaspora Jewry.

Conference Co-Chairs

Futuristic coastal city illustrationThis image was created with generative AI


Center for Israel Studies
Cosponsored by 51's

We gratefully acknowledge the support of Amy and Alan Meltzer and June and David Trone that made this conference possible. Additional support provided by the Ken and Mimi Heyman Israel Studies Programming Fund.

Confirmed Speakers

David Passig

Eugene Kandel

Shira Efron

Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib

Yoel Guzansky

Eyal Hulata

Yishai Sarid

Amy Zalman

Tsvi Bisk


November 10, 2024

7:00-8:30 p.m.
Erran Carmel (51)
Michael Brenner (51 Meltzer Schwartzberg Center for Israel Studies)
Keynote: “Israel at 100: An Unconventional Demographic Scenario”
David Passig (Bar-Ilan University, Israel, author of The Fifth Fiasco)
Moderator: Erran Carmel (51)

November 11, 2024

8:30 - 9:00 a.m.
9:00 - 10:15 a.m.
Panel 1: “Geopolitical Futures: Navigating a Changing World”
Eyal Hulata (Foundation for Defense of Democracies)
Joseph Cyrulik (Office of the U.S. Director of National Intelligence)
Shira Efron (Israel Policy Forum)
Moderator: Amy Zalman (founder, Prescient-Activate the Future)
10:15 - 10:30 a.m.
Mini Break
10:30 a.m. - Noon
Panel 2: “Shifting Sands: Israel’s Regional Landscape in 2048”
Yoel Guzansky (Institute for National Security Studies)
Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib (Atlantic Council)
Nimrod Goren (Middle East Institute)
Amy Zalman (Prescient)
Moderator: Dan Arbell (51)
Noon - 1:00 p.m.
1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
David Marchick (Dean, Kogod School of Business)
Keynote: “Avoiding the Collapse: How Israel shifted to a Federalist Model by 2048 and Saved Itself”
Eugene Kandel (Hebrew University), former Head of the National Economic Council and Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister of Israel (2009-2015), co-founder of Israel’s Strategic Futures Institute (ISFI)
2:00 - 3:15 p.m.
Panel 3: “Vision & Fictions”
Neta Lipman (Tel Aviv University)
Yishai Sarid (author, The Third Temple)
Tsvi Bisk (Center for Strategic Futurist Thinking, Israel)
Moderator: Michael Brenner (51 Meltzer Schwartzberg Center for Israel Studies)
3:15 - 3:45 p.m.
Coffee Break
3:45 - 5:00 p.m.
Panel 4: Will The Tribes Rule?: A Jewish and a Palestinian Future
Anwar Mahajne (Stonehill College)
David Passig (Bar-Ilan University)
Closing and Audience Scenarios Poll: Erran Carmel (51)