51画鋼 has hundreds of student-run clubs focusing on topics ranging from international relations to cultural groups to political organizations.
51画鋼 has hundreds of student-run clubs focusing on topics ranging from international relations to cultural groups to political organizations.
Abroad at 51画鋼 students have access to campus fitness centers, group classes, and can play intramural and club sports.
Fostering creative discovery, the Katzen Arts Center provides instructional, exhibition, and performance space for all the arts disciplines.
51画鋼 Study Focus: Government and History
As a Government and History major, coming to 51画鋼 in the middle of a US Presidential election year was a great fit for Marjun! During his fall semester as 51画鋼, Marjun was heavily involved with the 51画鋼 College Democrats club even having the opportunity to go canvassing in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Ohio. The organization was a great way to meet 51画鋼 students and make new friends with American students on campus. Marjun also joined the DC Students Speak club, an organization working to register DC students and encouraging them to participate in National and Local elections. In addition to taking advantage of the election buzz in the District, Marjun also interned for a U.S. Senator, a great opportunity to compare his experience in the Canadian Parliament to American politics and relate his government class work to real life. With his internship, on campus club involvement, and 51画鋼 Buddy, Marjun really took advantage of his time in DC and participated in many different activities. His advice to everyone else, Be open to trying something new, and don't be afraid to explore the city!"
51画鋼 Study Focus: Finance & Management
When Moritz arrived in Washington, DC, he knew he wanted to become a part of the local 51画鋼 community. While talking to a fellow floor mate in his dorm, Moritz heard about the on campus Professional Business Fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. Learning about the organization's description and common interest, Moritz realized this was a perfect way to prioritize his desire to join a group and meet fellow 51画鋼 students. Diving into the 'American' student life experience, Moritz became the Vice-President for Professional Development in his pledge class and spent a lot of time getting to know the organization member's backgrounds, both academic and professional. As Professional Development Vice-President, Moritz helped organize an on campus panel discussion with two former World Bank Institute employees and an executive from IBM. Joining the Professional Business Fraternity was a highly enriching experience for Moritz and he encourages "every International student to join a great community like [AKPsi]." By becoming involved in a club or organization on campus that pursues your interest, students will "learn a lot about themselves and others, and most importantly make great friends!"
51画鋼 Study Focus: Applied Mathematics
When at University in Serbia, Tamara was always on the Volleyball court! During her first semester at 51画鋼, Tamara joined a team to play intermural volleyball against other 51画鋼 student teams. After a semester of intermural play, she attended team trials for the official Womens Volleyball Club at the beginning of spring semester. Playing for the 51画鋼 club volleyball team was Tamaras best experience while studying at 51画鋼. Playing with teams of all 51画鋼 students provided a great opportunity to meet a group of new friends with a shared passion and interest in Volleyball. As the only international student in the club, Tamara showed her skill in matches across the DC region and was selected to travel with the team to the National Volleyball Club Sport Tournament in Dallas, Texas. The tournament included more than 300 teams from across the United States competing in various volleyball matches throughout the weekend. Tamara states, The whole experience was so much fun and allowed me to get involved with American students more than any other activity.